Preventing and Treating Common Dental Problems

Posted by Oreo the Labrador on Wed, Sep 7, 2022

Dental problems in dogs are quite common and, in many cases, can be prevented through good oral hygiene.

Dental problems can lead to tooth loss, infection, bad breath, and even more serious health issues, such as heart and kidney disease.

Fortunately, there are many ways to help keep your dog’s teeth healthy, from regular brushing to dental chews and toys, to help keep your dog’s teeth in optimum condition.

Common Dental Problems in Dogs

The most common dental problems in dogs include:

  • Periodontal Disease: Periodontal disease is an inflammation of the gums and surrounding tissues caused by plaque and tartar buildup. It is the most common dental disease in dogs and is usually caused by poor oral hygiene and a buildup of plaque and tartar. If not treated, periodontal disease can lead to infection, tooth loss, and even pain.

  • Tooth Decay: Tooth decay is caused by bacteria that break down the enamel of a tooth, causing it to weaken and eventually break down. Decay is usually caused by poor oral hygiene, but can also be caused by certain diets that are high in sugars.

  • Gum Disease: Gum disease is an inflammation of the gums that can lead to infection, tooth loss, and even pain. It is caused by a buildup of plaque and tartar, which can lead to the gums becoming infected and inflamed.

  • Broken Teeth: Broken teeth can occur for a variety of reasons, including chewing on hard objects or aggressive playing. Broken teeth can be painful, and if left untreated, can lead to infection.

  • Tartar Buildup: Tartar is a hard, yellowish substance that can build up on the surface of your dog’s teeth if not removed regularly. Tartar can be difficult to remove and can cause gum disease, tooth decay, and other dental issues.

Preventing Dental Problems in Dogs

Fortunately, there are several ways to help prevent dental problems in dogs. The most important thing is to brush your dog’s teeth regularly.

Brushing your dog’s teeth helps remove plaque and tartar buildup, as well as freshen their breath.

You can use a dog-specific toothbrush and toothpaste, or you can use a finger brush or even a piece of gauze wrapped around your finger.

In addition to regular brushing, there are also a variety of dental chews and toys designed to help keep your dog’s teeth clean.

These products are designed to help remove plaque and tartar buildup while also providing your dog with something to chew on.

Good Practices to Help Keep Your Dog’s Teeth Healthy

In addition to regular brushing and dental chews and toys, there are also good practices you can follow to help keep your dog’s teeth healthy.

  • Feed a Balanced Diet: A balanced diet is important for your dog’s overall health, and it is also important for their dental health. Foods that are high in sugar can increase the risk of tooth decay, so be sure to choose a diet that is low in sugar and has the nutrients your dog needs.

  • Avoid Hard Objects: Hard objects can cause broken teeth, so it is important to avoid giving your dog hard objects such as bones or rocks to chew on.

  • Schedule Regular Dental Check-Ups: Regular dental check-ups help ensure that any dental problems are caught early and treated promptly.


Dental problems in dogs are very common, but fortunately, there are many ways to help prevent them. Regular brushing, dental chews and toys, a balanced diet, and regular dental check-ups are all important practices that can help keep your dog’s teeth healthy and free of dental problems.

By following these good practices, you can help ensure your dog has a healthy, happy smile for life!